Monday, June 2, 2014

May in Review

I don't really know how it's possible, but I've completed another month's worth of paintings.  It was kind of a rough month where I just kept hanging on.  I'm glad I stuck with it though.  It was a lot of work, but I love seeing the variety and the skill I've obtained.  Some of these paintings I didn't even draw out beforehand.  It's been kind of fun to see my good painting days and my bad painting days.

Day 151

Another cold, creamy dessert.

What I love: I think I could try a new place to eat everyday I'm here in Chicago and not get to all the good ones.  Today was Black Dog Gelato.  I got there different flavors: pistachio, maple ginger snap, and gianduja (which is basically Nutella).  They were all delicious.  Also, I'm loving walks on summer nights with friends.  Basically I'm loving all the walking that's been happening in my life.

Day 150

Let's talk about how I love ice cream...

What I love:  I love that Chicago is in abundance of ice cream places.  I seriously just love ice cream and if I could be nourished by it the rest of my life I'd be OK with that.  This new place was a funky little Latino place and their banana splits are delicious.

Day 149

Some days I just don't know what to paint.

What I love: Walks with my husband.  I didn't take any pictures or think anything was amazing in particular.  Sometimes I like days like that so I'm not stuck painting "things" all the time.  Sometimes I just love to play with color and pattern.

Day 148

This is a little view of friend's house.

What I love: Playing Just Dance with friends and eating copy cat Cafe Rio salads.  Girl's night might be the thing that saves me here in Chicago.

Day 147

While I'm not a huge fan of bars, considering I don't drink, this was a great night.

What I love: The Moth live!  Oh my goodness, it was so funny.  I loved the stories, the host, all of it. Well maybe not the $4 miniature empanada, but the entertainment was great!

Day 146

Sometimes Illinois can be really beautiful.

What I love: Hiking to Starved Rock (well after driving there obviously).  It was such a beautiful Memorial Day and a nice break from city life.

Day 145

Oh it's just grass...

What I love: Sitting on someone's lawn (a very rare occurrence) and having a delicious BBQ.  What a happy Sunday. :)

Day 144

The celebration continues...

What I love: KAYAKING.  Oh man, you guys have to try it.  I know that the Chicago River used to be toxic, but the tour guide said it was safe now.  What an awesome experience.

Day 143

Today was a good day to celebrate. :)

What I love: The idea of celebrating to us means going to a diner to eat and it was delicious.  Yay for Horizon Cafe!  They really do have delicious clam chowder.

Day 142

Another homework day...

What I love: Sometimes I basically sit at home and do my homework.  Sometimes that can be really nice.

Day 141

This gem of a building I've painted before, but it's a new part of the building.  Such an interesting place...

What I love: This warmer weather, being outside, air conditioning in my car, and bring colors everywhere!

Day 149

You thought I'd stopped, didn't you.  No such luck.  I've been painting, just not posting every day.  Also I may have gotten behind, but I'm yet again caught up.  You can't fault me for my perseverance.

What I love: Trying to find a new apartment.  It's not really the looking, but the idea of moving in to a MUCH LARGER apartment that makes me so incredibly happy.