Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 29

So today I subbed for a 6th grade classroom and it was fun!  I miss being in my little groups, but it was fun to try out general education.  This is the very inaccurate drawing I made of daffodils for them.  I mean it kind of looks like them...right?

What I love: Teaching and well, the poem I spent all day reading aloud called "Daffodils" by William Wordsworth.  Here's a little excerpt:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

Chicago is like that.  Sometimes there are moments when you're walking the lonely road and you come up over this really rough hill and before you is a field full of daffodils.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 28

I went outside!  Today is a memory and good one too.

What I love: Tuesday nights!  Tonight the kids were running around pretending to be characters from Frozen.  D even decided she wanted to dress like Elsa, running around her house with a blanket wrapped around her.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 27

Apparently I have a knack for painting fruit?
I'm going to be honest.  I didn't go anywhere this day.  I read my textbook in my apartment because well, it was too cold to do anything.

What I love: Fruit?  Apples especially, but I also love free heat.  Huge perk when it's -6 and feels like -20.  So that's what you do when it gets cold, sit in your tiny apartment and eat apples.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 26

I don't know what it is, but I just love Sharpie® Paints and watercolors.

What I love: There are so many churches in Chicago that are just breathtaking.  I obviously have not done this one justice and I will probably attempt it again just because I want you to see how wonderful it is.  I love walking around the city and finding a new, beautiful church.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 25

Guess what broke through the gray Chicago winter and made me feel kind of like a vampire caught outside during the day?

What I love: The SUN!  Sometimes, or rather most of the time, Chicago is gray during the winter--and cold.  I mean tomorrow schools are closed because it's going to be -35 because of the wind chill, but on Saturday I saw the sun and it felt wonderful.

Day 24

Can anyone guess what we played?

I call this "Lord of the Forest" because I'm the orange.  Let's take another guess at who lost because they started a gift economy at around 12:30 a.m.

What I love: Spending time with friends.  Guys, we have friends!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 23

There are times in life when you forget how to paint and then there are times in life when it all comes flooding back and even though the proportions are off and it looks a little wonky you remembered.

What I love:  I hated some place so much that I forced myself to start painting again.  I'm beginning to love this place because of what it's bringing back in to my life.  You know when you're so scared to do something and so scared what people will think that it freezes you?  Maybe you haven't experienced this, but guys, I kind of love how Chicago is changing me.

Day 22

Man I love this new watercolor paper!

What else I love: Chicago at night.  It is one of those things you'll never experience unless you live in a big city.  Everything just twinkles and the reflection on the river is gorgeous.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 21

Blegh.  Hate this picture, but I promised so here you go.

What I love: Substituting for first graders.  My favorite conversation from the day:

Kid: Mrs. *****?  Do you know how old God is?
Me: Uh, no I don't.
Kid: 600 years old.

Also know what else I love.  Arches cold press watercolor paper and the man who brought to me.  Who needs flowers when he brings you art supplies.  It kind of made my heart melt.  Feel free to vomit.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 20

There's this place called Wing Stop in Chicago...

What I love: Eating with friends and trying new places.  Also, snow.  I seriously love snow and I guess Chicago is the place to be for it because it seriously RARELY stops snowing.


Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 19

I thought you all would like to see where the magic happens. ;)

As in, this is where I spend my time painting.

What I love: When the husband and I moved to Chicago we sold everything we owned, which kind of stunk, but it also provided a beautiful opportunity.  The husband and I saw this really great ad in Restoration Hardware of a steamer trunk turned desk.  And since we can't afford a $3,000 desk the husband decided to do something similar on wheels so we could easily move it around in our tiny space.  This is one of the sides.  I love how almost everything in our house is mobile and efficient because it's so darn small!  Also, bless The Container Store.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 18

Saturday we spent out at the in-law's house in the burbs and as always it was a blast.  Thought I'd throw in a portrait or two here or there.

What I love: Having family so close and my new knitted headband, scarf, and gloves from my sister-in-law.

Day 17

I failed you all yesterday so I'm apologizing by posting it today.  No watercolor today.  I went with Sharpie paint markers and oil paint.

What I love: They have delicious tacos.  We've had them several times.  Also it reminds me of a funny story.  The husband was bringing home tacos because I was mad at him.  He put them on his bicycle handle and while signaling to turn, dinner fell off into the middle of intersection.  He feared for his life more than dinner.  Once he got to safety he looked on in horror as a car ran over the bag.  Let me tell you, dinner was still delicious even after being run over.  That's the mark of a truly good taco place.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 16

I'll admit, it was 11 p.m. and I did not really want to paint, but I'm glad I did.

What I love: My first job in Chicago was here.  It gave me hope and reconnected me with a friend from the past.  I love when I get to bike here during the summer and that I've been here long enough to know exactly where the best parking is during the winter.  I feel like I've really mastered something--parking in Chicago.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 15

Day 15 was my dad's birthday.  Happy birthday Dad!

On another note, I'm providing you with a treat.  Two pictures for the price of one.  I'm sure you'll understand why I had to do two.  The husband said I couldn't just do the first one.  

I guess I didn't want to give you an exact representation, I just wanted you to feel like I did that day standing next to the frozen pond.

What I love: The park.  The husband and I toy around with moving when our lease is up, but we love being so close to a park and sometimes I just find refuge here.  It's so quiet in the winter and it's so beautiful.  I love being able to go for walks just as the sun is setting.  Plus, it's good exercise!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 14

Trying something new with this one.  I liked using my Sharpie markers yesterday with the watercolor so I thought I'd be a little bolder.

What I love: Another wonderful, safe place for me in Chicago.  LS was my first friend and we eat together every Tuesday.  There is a lot more I can say, but I seriously look forward to my Tuesday nights and I guard it jealously from all other activities in my life.  It doesn't hurt that dinner is always so good.  She cooks like I wish I could or maybe even had the desire to cook like and she's so honest that I can't help loving her.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 13

Now that I'm not working full time it's kind of fun when I do get to go in to school.  What started out as a watercolor morphed into something different with the use of my Sharpie markers.

What I love: Normally I substitute for Special Education and today I did, but I also substituted for band.  That's right, me against 50 other kids with instruments.  I am so thankful that my Primary and Young Women's leaders felt inspired to teach me how to conduct music, because I DID IT!  That's right, I conducted a band.  It was a blast.  I had a good laugh about the whole day and when I came home I didn't have to plan anything for the next day.  A girl could get used to this.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 12

We watched the Golden Globes for the first time ever in our marriage.  It was amusing.  This is a scene from that night with some friends.  I tried doing it from memory, which by the way is hard.  Also, I'm allowing myself to complain about this watercolor paper that I'm not even sure is watercolor paper because it came from my paper storage that extends back many ages and has been combined with the husband's stash of paper, which who knows what is in that stack!

I need new paper.

What I love:  The fact that these two people fit in this raft in our friends' living room.  Also, they're in a raft.  In a living room.  Watching the Golden Globes.  I had a rough time making friends in Chicago, (rough by my standards is I didn't make instant friends).  Which is of course unrealistic, but when you're lonely you become irrational.  I'm grateful though now for the friendships that I have made.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 11

A good day at the Chicago temple.  It's not my favorite painting ever, but this is of course a work in progress right?
What I love: How much peace I find here and how beautiful the gray of the temple is with the gray of the sky.  It sounds depressing, but it's not.

Day 10

This day was so slushy and icy.  I don't know if you're noticed that almost every day is gray.

What I love: It was slushy, but I had my fabulous rain boots and even when the water came mid calf I was dry.  I love walking though puddles and when it rains there are plenty in the city.

Day 9

This is an actual tree.  It was so neat when I saw it on our walk.

What I love: The snow was so beautiful this night and this tree was so neat.  I love going on walks with the husband in the city.  It's always been one of my favorite activities as a couple.

Day 8

Day 8 was a day where I did laundry and after using all of my quarters for two loads realized I didn't have enough for a dry.  So every flat surface in my home became a drying area.  It was a forest of underwear (none of which are pictured here)!

What I love: Beating the system and saving $1.50 and how much I laugh every time I think about my sink full of socks.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 7

The quality of these washes is a sign that I've gone too long and it's too late.  Days 8-11 will have to wait until tomorrow.

What I love:  It's a cheap place, but it's a good one.

**UPDATE** I fixed the washes that were the worst.  I just couldn't leave it.

Day 6

If any of you reading this are attempting to do something for 365 days don't choose to do paintings and don't remember that you decided to do this 6 days after the year started.

What I love: The architecture and my parting day with Raelee.  She was such a blast.  Also, it was really cold that day, which most people would say is awful, but I'm going to tell you a secret.  I like being cold.  Basically, I was born to be a penguin.

Day 5

It looks boring and the lines are crooked.  I'm tired!  Why didn't any of you stop me before I started?  This is hard.

What I love:  This place.  I love being a part of such a strong community. Check it out!

Day 4

I'm beginning to think this was a huge mistaken undertaking, but E-Mo says I have to do it for two weeks at least.  I'm soooo behind!  Here's day 4.

What I love: Him.  I never feel like I can finish a painting of him.

Day 3

Today was the Garfield Park Conservatory.  I should preface this by saying I was in a really grumpy mood and did not want to go.  I'm glad I went.

What I love: It's an oasis in the middle of a city.  There are SO MANY PLANTS.  I think that I might start having to go here every week because it's also FREE.  Give me a bag of treats and I'm good to sit there for hours.  If you haven't been, GO NOW.  It's beautiful!

Day 2

I'm sure you can guess where I went on the second day of the year.

What I love: It was fun to be in the car with Raelee getting lost in the city.  She got to see how it goes when I get lost, yet again, somewhere in Chicago.  Also, making her follow me around the store carrying things was nice too. :)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 1

So the idea is to connect my paintings with places I've been or things that I've done that day.  Today was a trip to the in-law's house.  I've firmly decided not to nitpick.  

So for you viewing pleasure...

What I love: This driveway has a lot of nostalgia for me.  It reminds me of a place to call home when I didn't have one and the many fun memories of course I've had with the husband and his family all together.  This one is a shout out to them for fond memories on New Year's Day.

An Introduction

Hello!  This is the beginning of something new.

Some of you who actually know me or who have read my previous blog might already know that I hate Chicago, but I'm living here until the foreseeable future and I thought last year in 2013 that I might need to do a little project to help me enjoy myself a little more.  So, while not really having a full time job and feeling a need to try out this new positive attitude here I am, talking to myself the world.

So what's the big idea Becky?

365 days of painting, drawing, sketching, creating, and appreciating art.  You're in for a real treat.  I'm going to create something new every day this year and whether it is good, or bad I'm going to share it with you.

Am I scared?  Yes.  Are you?  You should be.  Some of the things that get put up here might be somewhat...interesting, but it'll be fun and that's why you're here.

Welcome to my new adventure.